RVOV-RVOT D 20 ÷ 63 - Sediment strainer DN 10:100

RVOV PVC-U rigid - RVOT PVC-U transparent.
Sediment strainer with fixed flanges, drilled PN10/16.

The RV Sediment strainer limits the passage of any solid particles present in the fluid by means of a strainer.
Indietro Data sheet


Codice d DN PN RVOV PN RVOT A max B F f H Fig. g
RVOV020E 20 15 16 10 125 72 65 14 130 A 260
RVOT050E 50 40 16 10 210 120 110 18 200 A 1170
RVOT040E 40 32 16 10 190 111 100 18 180 A 850
RVOT032E 32 25 16 10 165 95 85 14 160 A 560
RVOT025E 25 20 16 10 145 84 75 14 150 A 395
RVOT020E 20 15 16 10 125 72 65 14 130 A 260
RVOV063E 63 50 16 10 240 139 125 18 230 A 1760
RVOV050E 50 40 16 10 210 120 110 18 200 A 1170
RVOV040E 40 32 16 10 190 111 100 18 180 A 850
RVOV032E 32 25 16 10 165 95 85 14 160 A 560
RVOV025E 25 20 16 10 145 84 75 14 150 A 395
RVOT063E 63 50 16 10 240 139 125 18 230 A 1760
  • Connection system for solvent weld, threaded and flanged joints
  • Strainer mounted on an easily removed support that facilitates the cleaning or replacement
  • Valve material compatibility (PVC-U) with water conveyance, drinking water and other food substances according to current regulations
  • Can be maintained with the valve body installed
