PC, grease trap

Pre-treatment of wastewater from kitchens and washing machines.
One-piece polyethylene Grease Trap
Note : Compliance with standard: UNI EN 1825. CE marking
Applicazione : Pre-treatment of wastewater from kitchens and washing machines.
Indietro Data sheet
Codice Altezza H (cm) HE (cm) HU (cm) ØE e ØU (mm) Volume (I) I x L (cm) a (cm) b (cm) Coperti (pasti/giorno) Articolo Utenti (A.E.) Portata (l/s)
IS00511 95 74 70 100 417 78x100 10 30 50 DEG. PC A1 20 1 (N.S.)
IS00512 123 105 101 100 800 78x128 10 30 100 DEG. PC A2 30 2 (N.S.)
