PACKAGE, aerobic percolating filter

Suitable for treating domestic and commercial wastewater for subsequent discharge to suitable final destination.
Aerobic Percolating Filter. One-piece polyethylene packaged.
Applicazione : Suitable for treating domestic and commercial wastewater for subsequent discharge to suitable final destination.
Indietro Data sheet
Codice D (cm) Altezza H (cm) HE (cm) HU (cm) ØE e ØU (mm) Capacità (litri) Articolo Utenti (A.E.)
IS7001B 80 120 102 5 100 500 Tipo 500 500
IS7002B 110 122 95 5 100 1.000 Tipo 1000 1.000
IS7003B 120 140 115 5 125 1.500 Tipo 1500 1.500
IS7004B 120 195 170 5 140 2.000 Tipo 2000 2.000
IS7005B 147 200 170 5 140 3.000 Tipo 3000 3.000
IS7006B 147 245 215 5 160 4.000 Tipo 4000 4.000
IS7008B 215 220 173 5 160 6.000 Tipo 6000 6.000
IS7009B 215 270 217 5 160 8.000 Tipo 8000 8.000
IS7010B 215 305 251 5 200 10.000 Tipo 10000 10.000
