BIO PC, imhoff tank

Pre-treatment and sludge storage units.
Elliptical-shaped one-piece polyethylene Imhoff Tank.
Note : Compliance with standard: UNI EN 12566-1
Applicazione : Pre-treatment of urban effluents.
Indietro Data sheet
Codice Altezza H (cm) HE (cm) HU (cm) ØE e ØU (mm) Volume (I) I x L (cm) a (cm) Articolo Utenti (A.E.)
IS00211 95 73 70 100 500 78x100 30 Tipo “PC” A1 3
IS00212 123 99 96 125 1000 78x128 30 Tipo “PC” A2 4


17- ISEA
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REDI Export Catalogue
Bio PC (dwg AutoCAD)
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