VRUIV - Check valve DN 10:100

Check valve with female union ends for solvent welding, metric series.

The VR is an angle seat check valve with weighted PVC piston that allows the passage of fluid in one direction only.
Indietro Data sheet


Codice d DN PN A max B E H L Z Fig. g
VRUIV016E 16 10 16 125 72 55 135 14 107 A 218
VRUIV020E 20 15 16 125 72 55 135 16 103 A 226
VRUIV025E 25 20 16 145 84 66 158 19 120 A 388
VRUIV032E 32 25 16 165 95 75 176 22 132 A 606
VRUIV040E 40 32 16 190 111 87 207 26 155 A 923
VRUIV050E 50 40 16 210 120 100 243 31 181 A 1335
VRUIV063E 63 50 16 240 139 120 298 38,2 221,6 A 2313


Codice d DN PN A max B E H L Z Fig. g
VRUIV016F 16 10 16 125 72 55 135 14 107 A 218
VRUIV020F 20 15 16 125 72 55 135 16 103 A 226
VRUIV025F 25 20 16 145 84 66 158 19 120 A 388
VRUIV032F 32 25 16 165 95 75 176 22 132 A 606
VRUIV040F 40 32 16 190 111 87 207 26 155 A 923
VRUIV050F 50 40 16 210 120 100 243 31 181 A 1335
VRUIV063F 63 50 16 240 139 120 298 38,2 221,6 A 2313
  • Connection system for solvent weld, threaded and flanged joints
  • No metal parts in contact with the fluid
  • Piston with counterweight able to work with high intensity fluid
  • Limited pressure drop. Only minimum back pressure is required for the hermetic seal
  • Valve material compatibility (PVC-U) with water conveyance, drinking water and other food substances according to current regulations
  • Can be maintained with the valve body installed
