POLI, activated sludge system

Treatment of domestic wastewater, sanitation within small settlements, up to 200 users. High purification efficiency allowing the discharge onto land.
Activated Sludge Treatment System, consisting of 2 compartments: aeration compartment with air compressor fine bubble diffuser and settling chamber with air-lift sistem.
Note : The unit comes provided with: switchboard, static grill; optional: automatic grill, remote controll. Compliance with standard: EN 12255-6
Applicazione : Treatment of domestic wastewater, sanitation within small settlements, up to 200 users. High purification efficiency allowing the discharge onto land.
Indietro Data sheet
Codice Altezza H (cm) V ox (m3) V sed (m3) ØE e ØU (mm) Potenza (W) I (cm) L (cm) Articolo Utenti (A.E.)
IS09022 212 6 2,5 160 0,7 (kW) 186 610 A.E. 50 (220V) 50
IS90221 212 6 2,5 160 0,7 (kW) 186 610 A.E. 50 (380V) 50
IS09032 240 8 4,0 160 1,1 (kW) 196 700 A.E. 75 (380V) 75
IS09023 240 10 4,0 200 1,5 (kW) 214 710 A.E. 100 (380V) 100
IS09024 240 16 6,5 200 2,2 (kW) 450 850 A.E. 150 (380V) 150
IS09025 240 20 8,0 200 2,2 (kW) 480 870 A.E. 200 (380V) 200


17- ISEA
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