Give a Hand is Aliaxis' program that supports projects in favor of the communities living near our Italian offices in Bologna and Casella in the province of Genoa.
Creating an increasingly strong bond with the territory that hosts us is an important value for us at Aliaxis.
The project
With Give a Hand, Aliaxis wants to give a hand to new projects that meet three main criteria.
Positive impact on the community
Aliaxis Group's companies are born within territories where the human resources that make the companies strong and successful on the market live. Projects that support these communities by dedicating themselves to the development and education of the younger generations, through increasingly direct access to knowledge is the first of our evaluation criteria.
Positive impact on the environment
We look for sustainable solutions and projects oriented towards this vision. Aliaxis invests and strongly believes in the search for projects aimed at protecting the environment. The choice to use plastic materials for civil and industrial liquid supply systems, contrary to what one might think, is today the most ecological solution for the environment and healthy for the population. The very long service life of our products, even under the most extreme conditions, minimizes their replacement and at the same time guarantees maximum safety for the transported liquids, both from an environmental and human point of view.
Adherence to Aliaxis values
Working with people to create together a world that responds to humans' needs, like the ones of our customers. Better services and better quality of life in an increasingly sustainable environment.
2022 projects:
- Supply of uniforms for workers with disabilities, and support for personal and professional fulfilment through work experience (OPIMM - Bologna)
- Purchase of teaching materials for Primary School (Scuola Primaria De Ferrari - Savignone)
- Recruitment of staff for physiotherapy and physical activity for patients suffering from fibrocycystic diseases (Centro Regionale Fibrosi Cistica - Rotary Club)
- Sponsorship of the Ligurian Sitting Volleyball team (Entella Sitting Volley - Casarza)
- Support to the National Association for Occupational Safety "Ruggero Toffolutti" (Ass. Naz. Sicurezza sul lavoro "Ruggero Toffolutti" - Piombino)
- "R.I.D.E.R.E. in Valle (Rete Idee Divertimento Equilibrio Risorse)
- Experiences - workshops for children (Ente Macaia APS)
- Purchase of a means of transport for the children of the "Il Bosco Incantato" Nursery School (CISEF Cooperativa "Il Bosco Incantato" - Savignone)
- Purchase of material for AED courses and first aid manoeuvres aimed at the local population (CRI Comitato di Vallescrivia - Casella)
- Organisation of independent weekends for people with disabilities ("Tuttinsieme" - Associazione famiglie e volontari per l'integrazione)
As part of this programme, Aliaxis in 2021 funded these projects:
- Restoration and maintenance of an educational-naturalistic path (Casella)
- Purchase of an electric chair for transporting disabled patients (Piombino)
- Purchase of medical equipment for the project "Ambulatorio Amico" (Zola)
- Preparation of apartments dedicated to co-housing for vulnerable groups (Casella)
- Creation of the green space for the school: “La comunità cresce insieme con la natura” - (Casella)
- "Care Giver" project: course for assistance to non-self-sufficient family members (Zola)
We are proud to have carried out, once again this year, the GIVE A HAND project and to continue with this program designed to support the environment and the communities in which we operate.