The Aliaxis quality management policy
Long time ago, the Aliaxis Group has begun a process of continuous improvement of its production cycles in order to reduce the environmental impact resulting from its processes.
Thanks to the objectives set by the Group, Aliaxis has been able to implement various energy efficiency and consumption reduction projects at the sites and production lines of its companies, in order to reduce its environmental impact, in line with the commitments made by the countries in different International Protocols on climate change.
The Objectives for the Italian Brands
Aliaxis Italia is committed to ensuring the highest quality in all operational sectors, to guarantee our Customers high quality products and services, continuously improve our processes and develop an effective quality management system.
We are dedicated to meeting the needs and expectations of Customers, respecting applicable regulations, standards and requirements.
Our commitment to quality is reflected in Customer satisfaction, the development of long-term business relationships and the pursuit of operational excellence, acting with integrity, fully complying with our code of ethics and operating with respect for the Environment and Society .
The constant monitoring and accurate evaluation of the environmental impacts deriving from its activities, its products or its services, guarantee a commitment to continuous improvement aimed at reducing and preventing industrial risks for the environment, such as emissions into the atmosphere and discharges. water.
Every new production process, like every modification to existing plants, is carefully evaluated in order to operate in compliance with the applicable environmental laws and regulations established by government bodies and competent authorities.
Finally, adequate training and empowerment of the operators promotes the optimization of resource consumption and accurate waste management.
This goal can be achieved with the total involvement and active participation of all staff and with the awareness of being part of the Aliaxis Group, a world leader in the production and distribution of high quality plastic products for the conveyance of fluids for residential and commercial applications , infrastructural, industrial and agricultural.
For Aliaxis Italia it is important that every employee can feel part of a great team capable of exploiting local skills and making them available to customers on a global scale to make a difference and leave a positive impact on the environment and local communities around the world.
Aliaxis Italia Brands
FIP S.p.A.
FIP S.p.A. in 1990 it was the first Italian company in the sector to receive certification of its Quality Management System according to ISO 9001 from the Italian Plastics Institute. This certification, together with the numerous recognitions of FIP products, is the result of the constant commitment in trying to offer a product that is increasingly suited to the needs of the market.
Furthermore, FIP, consistently with the overall policy of the Aliaxis Group to which it belongs, has adopted an Environmental Policy aimed at protecting the environment and workers, certified according to the ISO 14001 standard.
Redi S.p.A. is a point of reference in the sector of water transport, discharge, treatment and recovery, providing its customers with a complete package of innovative solutions and guaranteeing them high product quality standards and constant improvement of the services offered.
In 1994 it obtained the ISO 9001 certification for the management of the company Quality System and in 2008 the ISO 14001 certification for the Environmental Management System.
In 2013 it received the ISO 45001 certification for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System
In November 2012 it also obtained the integrated ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001 certification, issued by BSI Italia. In 2019 Lareter obtained, first among the Italian producers of PVC pipes and fittings, the ISO 45001 certification
UNI EN ISO 14001
NSF International
Bureau Veritas
UNI EN ISO 14001
UNI ISO 45001
UNI EN ISO 14001
UNI ISO 45001
Product certifications, Approvals and Declarations